December 2022

Integrating Nutrition and Agriculture

The biggest threat to the health and well-being of humanity right now is the global climate change crisis. No one is immune to the detrimental effects of climate change, from people in the low-income cohort to the high-income earning ones. Climate change is impacting the health of many in a myriad of ways, like disrupting food systems, causing food and water-borne diseases, and many other health infirmities.

I firmly believe in changing the world one family unit at a time. Embracing the concept of having a nutrition garden in every family despite the space available will help achieve zero hunger and promote good health and well-being for the entire family. Therefore, integrating agriculture and nutrition in this context will curb the immediate issue of malnutrition and any nutrient deficiencies in the family.

Using readily available indigenous foods and embracing diversified agriculture can promote the availability of diverse nutritious diets in a family unit. Growing a nutrition-based kitchen garden is essential to reduce malnutrition and deficiencies in the family.


A nutrition Kitchen garden here only grows fruits and vegetables with exceptionally high levels of essential nutrients. Therefore, a smaller area is needed to produce the minerals and vitamins without wasting space, water, workforce, or money on expensive garden structures like greenhouses.

The kind of foods that practical Nutrition consultants recommend to be in the nutrition gardens

Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, cabbages, kale, and other indigenous green leafy vegetables. These will maximize the consumption of vitamins and essential nutrients in the family unit.

Legumes which include peas and beans an excellent source of protein and fiber.

Root Crops Like carrots, sweet potatoes, and onions are good sources of beta-carotene and fiber

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation helps maintain the soil’s health and increase the yield from the nutrition kitchen garden. The kind of crop rotation recommended in the nutrition garden involves planting Leafy crops after a Legume crop because they need more nitrogen to grow large leaves.

 Legume Crops produce much extra nitrogen that can be plowed back into the soil after the peas and beans are harvested.

Root Crops grow better when there is less nitrogen in the soil. Therefore after leafy crops, which remove nitrogen from the soil, plant root crops. If well adhered to, this concept of crop rotation will yield a bountiful, nutritious harvest for the family.

Contact us via [email protected] for booking, training, and consultation on nutrition garden setup and maintenance.

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Unhealthy ways of weight loss

Rapid weight loss or crash dieting can lead to nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and other health problems, whereas a slow and steady approach to weight loss can help preserve muscle mass and maintain good health.

Healthy weight loss involves making sustainable lifestyle changes rather than relying on fad diets or quick fixes, which can be harmful and ineffective in the long term.

The following are some of the unhealthy ways to lose weight.

1. Skipping meals

Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can cause one to overeat later in the day and interfere with weight loss efforts.

2. Cutting out certain food groups 

Carbohydrates are the major food group that is the primary source of energy and dietary fiber. Omitting them from the diet denies one of these essential nutrients needed for growth and development.

3. Only drinking weight loss shakes. 

Protein shakes can be great for breakfast and lunch giving us energy for the day ahead, but you cannot rely solely on these; moreover, diet shakes are not medically proven.

4. Over-exercising

Being more active is certainly beneficial if you are trying to lose weight, but you need to know when to stop.

5. Working out on an empty stomach 

It is counterproductive to work out on an empty stomach. The body tends to burn fat and muscle for energy, which may result in fatigue, dizziness, and low blood sugar. If this is sustained for a long time, it can result in low immunity, mood fluctuations, and vitamin deficiencies.

6. Being restrictive/ Fasting

While fasting may result in short-term weight loss, it is not a healthy or sustainable way to lose weight. Fasting can cause nutrient deficiencies and disrupt your metabolism.

7. Sticking to a liquid diet 

Consuming food in pure liquid form, whether it be soups or juices, is not a sustainable long-term way of losing weight.

8. Taking supplements without medical approval 

A lot of food supplements for weight loss are not effective.

9. Undereating or starving

Starving can prevent your body from functioning normally because it lacks the vital nutrients needed for optimal health.

Here at Practical Nutrition Consultants, we believe that anyone can achieve their desired body weight if they believe in themselves and work wholeheartedly towards attaining a healthy and fit body. Join our Weight loss for mums group and let’s walk the fitness journey together.

Reach us at [email protected]

Phone: +254114112540

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5 Frequently Asked Questions on Weight Loss

1. What is the best way to lose weight fast?

There are many factors that determine the rate at which one loses body weight.  Gender, body type, genetics, current fitness status as well as age are some of these factors. Weight loss requires a lot of discipline, resilience, determination, willpower, and consistency. People who are thin and skinny normally referred to as ectomorphs tend to lose weight fast due to their fast metabolism.

On the other hand, people who are muscular with some fat also referred to as mesomorphs and Endomorph the ones who have lots of fat and struggle to lose normally have to put in a lot of effort to lose weight. Therefore, with an understanding of these factors, one can create a weight loss plan with the help of a nutritionist incorporating exercise and diet and stick to the plan till one reaches their target.

2. The best thing to drink to lose belly fat?

Unfortunately, there are no magic drinks to help lose belly fat which is a pain in the neck for so many people. The only practical and sustainable way to lose belly fat is by following the right diet plan and exercise.

3. What foods should I eat to lose belly fat fast?

First of all, totally avoid sugar, starchy carbs, fast foods, and junk. Eat lots of high-fiber foods, vegetables, good fat foods, and high protein.

4. Can I slim fast without exercise?

Yes, you can. By following certain strict diets and fasting you can slim but only for some time because it’s not sustainable. To increase the metabolism to burn fat, diet alone cannot help without being combined with exercise.

5. How long before I see results from exercise and diet?

As stated earlier, the rate of weight loss depends entirely on the current position in fitness, body type, and one’s genetics.  

Here at Practical Nutrition Consultants, we believe that anyone can achieve their desired body weight if they believe in themselves and work wholeheartedly towards attaining a healthy and fit body. Join our Weight loss for mums group and let’s walk the fitness journey together.

Reach us at [email protected]

Phone: +254114112540

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10 Effective Ways of Losing Baby Fat

Achieving a healthy post-baby weight can be a real struggle. Adjusting to a new routine of caring for a newborn and recovering from childbirth is stressful. However, returning to a healthy weight after delivery is essential to avoid any health complications that arise from being overweight.

Consequences of keeping on some extra weight after pregnancy

 . Increased risk of being overweight

  . Heightened risk of Diabetes and heart disease

  . Greater risk of complications during pregnancy

  . Higher health risks for women with gestational Diabetes

What to do to lose the weight

1. Avoid Crash Diet

Crash diets are very low-calorie diets that aim to make you lose a large amount of weight in the shortest amount of time possible after delivering a baby. Crash diets are not recommended as they derive the body the calories and good nutrition needed.

2. Breastfeed if possible

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mother and child; it may make weight loss more difficult in the first three months postpartum, but it may help you lose weight later.

3. Monitor your calorie intake

Low-calorie diets are not recommended, particularly for breastfeeding mothers; however, decreasing your intake by about 500 calories per day is generally safe and will help you lose about 1 pound (0.5kg) per week.

4. Eat foods high in fiber

Soluble fiber may help with weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and regulating appetite hormones.

5. Stock up on healthy proteins

Protein supports weight loss by boosting your metabolism, increasing feelings of fullness, and regulating appetite hormones.

6. Eating Healthy Snacks

Keep healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt at home and easily accessible store unhealthy food out of sight or don’t keep them in the house.

7. Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol if you want to lose weight because it provides extra empty calories.

8. Get moving

Aerobic exercise has many significant health benefits exercise at any level of intensity combined with a healthy eating plan makes for an effective weight loss method.

9. Drink Enough Water

Drinking water boosts your metabolism and aids weight loss; staying hydrated during breastfeeding and taking at least eight glasses of water a day is essential.

10. Get Enough Sleep

Poor sleep can negatively impact your weight loss efforts; although it is difficult with a newborn, try to get as much sleep as possible and ask for help when needed.

Reach us at [email protected] and let us walk with you on this journey of motherhood.

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Homemade Remedy for Tonsilitis

Before we learn about the homemade remedy for Tonsillitis, let us first understand the problem.

There are two oval-shaped glands called tonsils that sit at the back of our throat, and their primary purpose is to fight off viruses and bacteria that enter the body through the mouth and nose.

When they become inflamed, we then say one has Tonsillitis. Viruses are the leading cause of Tonsillitis, although bacteria play a role too in inflammation in about 15-30% of cases.

Tonsillitis can affect everyone, but children are the main culprits.

Signs and symptoms of Tonsilitis

  • Pain in the throat when swallowing
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  •  Hoarse voice
  • Bad breath
  •  Ear pain
  • Stiff neck
  • Chills

If Tonsillitis results from a virus, usually, it is a mild case and doesn’t necessarily require treatment. In this case, some homemade remedies that I will expound on in this article heal them. On the other hand, if the Tonsillitis is severe and a result of a bacterial infection, antibiotics, and painkillers like ibuprofen helps relieve inflammation and pain. However, in the worst case, tonsillectomy is ultimately done.

Tonsillectomy is a surgery to remove tonsils, usually recommended when the symptoms don’t improve or Tonsillitis causes complications.

What Causes Tonsillitis?

  • Air pollution
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking secondhand smoke
  • Acidic foods or drinks
  • Dry foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Dry air
  • Allergies to substances such as pollen and mold

Is Tonsillitis Contagious?

 Tonsillitis is highly contagious, especially within 24 – 48 hours before developing symptoms. The germs causing Tonsillitis are spread through inhaling respiratory droplets that are generated when coughing and sneezing. Sometimes, one remains contagious as long as the symptoms persist.

5 Key Ingredients for an Effective Homemade Remedy

1. Gargling with salt water

Gargling with salt water helps soothe a sore throat and the pain caused by Tonsillitis and can also help treat infections. Dissolve salt in a glass of water, gargle, swish through the mouth, and spit out. Doing this at least twice a day helps a lot.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a proven natural antibiotic that is effective against bacteria and viruses. It’s one of the most effective homemade remedies against Tonsillitis, and I highly recommend it as a homemade remedy.

3. Ginger

Ginger is known to help block the proteins that cause inflammatory pain and itchiness. It is also known to have antioxidant properties and helps boost immunity, and ultimately help the body fight off Tonsillitis.

4. Cloves

Cloves contain phenolic compounds, which are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. They alleviate the pain caused by Tonsillitis and relieve sore throat.

5. Honey

Raw, unadulterated honey has strong antibacterial properties, which can help treat the infections that result in Tonsillitis.

I like taking warm tea with all these ingredients; ginger, garlic, cloves, and honey. My children like to call it “Dawa kali” meaning bitter medicine. I can attest that it is effective and easily made at home.

Feel free to reach us at [email protected] for more practical homemade remedies, and let’s walk this health journey with you.

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