Nutrition & Autism

Why consult a nutritionist on autism?

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A nutritionist plays a vital role in autism. They can help bridge the gap in knowledge on nutrition and autism; there is a need to consult a registered nutritionist to improve the quality of life of an autistic individual. Here are five key reasons why a nutritionist is very important in autism:

  1. A nutritionist will recommend matters to do with feeding challenges experienced by an autistic child.
  2. A Nutritionist will help with meal plans to make sure they cater to the proper nutrition needed for the growth and development of the child/adult.
  3. Close monitoring and assessment to identify and address any deficiencies.
  4. A nutritionist understands how autism presents differently in people and can customize nutritional recommendations that cater to the needs of the individual.
  5. A nutritionist can recommend a practical therapy that can promote independence, fulfillment, growth, and development.

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Diarrhea & constipation management in Autism

Diarrhea and constipation indicate an underlying imbalance in the gut and need to be addressed immediately to avoid detrimental effects on the health and growth of the child.


  1. Stomach infection and inflammation in the intestines
  2. Parasite infestation
  3. Antibiotics
  4. Sensitivity to food additives
  5. Bacterial growth
  6. Drinking bathwater with Epsom salts
  7. Medications

These two practical Nutritional interventions have proven sustainably helpful:

Increase in soluble and insoluble fiber in the diet

Fiber is from plant-based foods and passes through the digestive system without being digested or broken down. There are two types of dietary fiber, though different, that play a critical role in bowel health. These are the soluble and insoluble fibers. The key difference between the two is one is soluble in water while the other does not dissolve in water. Plants contain both though in different quantities. The soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, while the insoluble fiber makes the stool easy to pass without straining. They support gut health by providing good bacteria in the large intestines and bulk the stool to ease bowel movement.

Good sources of insoluble and soluble fiber include:

image: Unsplash
  • Oats
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Bananas
  • Avocadoes
  • Beans
  • Lentil
  • Cabbage
  • Apples
  • Guavas
  • Green leafy vegetables

2. Increase water intake in the diet

Water is an essential element of good health for all living beings. It is vital to ensure that the child drinks enough water to prevent dehydration or possible constipation. An excellent way to ensure that the child is well hydrated is by creating monitoring sheets with tick boxes and time so that whenever the baby is given water, the box is ticked. By tracking their consumption, the parent/caregiver can relate to their behavioral trends. Such that one can know when the baby is thirsty or not.

image: Unsplash

Are bananas suitable for an autistic child?

Bananas are excellent sources of magnesium and potassium, known to have the ability to relax tight muscles, and are a favorite to many children. Therefore they are highly recommended as they help with autism stiffness. They also contain L-tryptophan, an amino acid converted to 5-HTP in the brain known to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. So yes, they are very suitable for children with the autism spectrum.

What is the best diet for autism?

What is the best diet for autism?

Every parent wants the best for their children, so they research the ideal diet for an autistic child. There is no specific autism diet that works. Every child is unique and so are their nutritional needs. Research indicates that deficiency of certain nutrients is predominant among autistic children. Therefore as we plan for their diet, it’s essential to include foods that provide the most nutrition.

Fruits & Vegetables

The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation in the brain and give a good amount of fiber required to prevent constipation by improving gut health. It’s recommended to have at least two servings of vegetables and fruits at each meal and one serving at each snack. This will provide a variety of health benefits that the child requires.

Wholegrains and Legumes

The fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamin content in wholegrains and legumes make them an integral part of an autistic child’s diet. The use of whole grain instead of refined grain is recommended to provide optimal nutrition. A good example is brown rice, non-refined maize flour from the posho mill.

Nuts & Seeds

Seeds are full of nutrients and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc; hence should be included in the child’s diet. These nutrients are integral to how the brain works and can reduce some ASD symptoms.

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